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Pony Club Progressive Awards Day

We are delighted to confirm the details for our next Pony Club Progressive Awards and Badge Day. The Pony Club offer a series of progressive awards that encourage the member to improve their riding and to further their knowledge of riding and stable management.

Information on the progressive tests and badges can be seen on the Pony Club website:

This term we will run a Progressive Awards test on Wednesday 28th October 2020 for all members. As a member of Pony Club you begin at a Bronze 3 level and then work your way through the awards (we try and do one awards day a year). Each level is designed to become more challenging as members knowledge and experience develops.

We are delighted to have secured a qualified pony club examiner to come to us, to take the members through to their next level. The levels that we are currently working on are Bronze awards 3, 2, 1 and Silver 3, 2 & 1. We currently have over 70 members, and as you can imagine to try and ensure that each member gets to opportunity to take their test in a normal pony club session would be very difficult.

The "Pony Club Progressive Awards Day" will take place on Wednesday 28th October from 9.00 – 3.00. During the day members will take their test and work on a badge, as well as helping around the stables, As we are using a pony club instructor there will be a charge of £40.00 per member for the day. Please can everyone attending ensure that they are dressed smartly – Jodhpurs, clean boots, pony club jumper or hoodie, hair tied back, no jewellery and riding hat (Don’t worry if you don’t have a riding hat, you can borrow one of ours).

Members of Ballawhetstone Pony Club are encouraged to join our Facebook group for further details and to keep updated on Pony Club developments:

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