10 weeks since we have seen our Pony Club members. We had big plans for this summer and should be recovering from what will have been a fun weekend away to the adjacent Isle taking part in the Area 4 Price Philip Cup.
As this years' event was cancelled we have decided to share our memories from last years competition.
Last year we flooded the arena with pink and purple as we took 22 children and 11 ponies away to Burnley for the Pony Club Area 4 Prince Philip Cup. The trip was possibly our most extensive yet with a total of 5 Ballawhetstone teams entered into the competition (2 novice teams, 2 seniors teams and 1 junior team). We are so grateful to The Steam Packet for their support, all the parents who came to support the children on the day, Helen and Joan for allowing us to take over her yard for a few days and providing not only a secure field of the ponies but a massive climbing tree, stream and rope swing for the kids as well, Pendle Forrest for hosting the competition, Lucinda and Doreen for their catering skills and ensuring that the children were fed and the adults were fuelled with coffee.
The competition was intense but the smiles were epic! Really hope we will be able to compete again in 2021. Enjoy these photographs from our trip.